This class is an introduction to the fundamentals of drawing. The course equips students with a variety of basic skills, approaches and concepts explored through a comprehensive range of media. These are the works that I completed for second half of the fall semester.
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ART 3310C - Intermediate Drawing
Charcoal on paper
36 x 48 in
This class was focused on experimentation with various materials and processes, with an emphasis on personal direction. For this final project, I was inspired by the concept of “The Truman Show” and created an artwork that looks as if these people are “behind the wall”, and are astonished when the viewer discovers their presence.
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This class is an introduction to the fundamentals of drawing. The course equips students with a variety of basic skills, approaches and concepts explored through a comprehensive range of media. These are the works that I completed for the first half of the fall semester.
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