“A Process, A Promise” (2024)

“A Process, A Promise” is a art series that invites us to rest in the beauty of God’s eternal assurances—a gallery of grace where our processes take us into heavenly triumphs.

This series of 10 artworks invites viewers into the transformative processes we each endure—woven with moments of temptation, doubt, pruning, betrayal, and even solitude. However, what God promises us through it all is that His presence fills us and is with us, that He protects us from the enemy, and that there is eternal life in Jesus Christ. Each piece reflects the intimate tensions within tribulations, against the unyielding radiance of God’s faithfulness.

These works capture the rhythm of our lives, where heaven declares a promise before the trials of the process begin, reminding us that the weight of tribulation does not compare to the certainty of what lies beyond.

“Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed”
Joshua 23:14

  • “The Temptation of Matthew 4”
  • 2023
  • Acrylic on wood
  • 26 x 38 in

Matthew 4:1 outlines what is occurring in “The Temptation of Matthew 4”, where the cunning enemy attempts to tempt Jesus Christ in the wilderness. The artwork is a cross between cartoon rendering and abstract painting techniques, to create a work full of color, movement, and simplicity. The background is a blended wash of blue and yellow, as the work’s setting is a sunset landscape, symbolizing hope and renewal. The foreground elements are rendered in a cartoon style and colored in white. 

Jesus and Satan, the subjects of the work, are painted on a piece of cardboard that allows them to pop, which is then attached to the rest of the work. What is strikingly different in this work is how the enemy attempts to be cunning with his tricks and proposals, but Jesus seems to be unaffected and even unimpressed by them, as He knows who He is, the Son of God, and maintains His position. Jesus’ attitude before the enemy must be the same posture we take before any temptation or trick, as we know that we are Children of God and have authority over the enemy.

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“40 Days”
Acrylic on wood
31 x 47 in

“40 Days” examines the forty-day period of Jesus’ temptation in the desert from a moral, emotional, and contemplative perspective. The lower segment of the artwork features a cold, rocky desert, while the upper part depicts a warm dawning sky as a symbol of light and hope. The subject’s face is astonished and tired, yet contemplative and patient, as one can imagine the many things that were going through Jesus’ mid at this very event. This painting is meant to capture the dramatic situation of being tempted and tested by the enemy, allowed by God, which could occur to any of us.

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Acrylic on canvas
1 2 x 16 in

“Shepherd” represents Jesus, being the good shepherd, our vision and guide, taking us into all truth. This artwork comes from an encounter with the Lord, where Jesus took my hand and said “let me show you what I have in store for you.” The abstract void that surrounds the figures represents a river running into the brightness of the Sun, with “Shepherd” written in Hebrew behind Jesus.

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“The Remnant of a Process”
Acrylic on wood
15.5 x 24.5 in

The concept “The Remnant of a Process” represents how all things created go through a process, and the end result is the beautiful culmination of processes and events. I knew that I wanted to create a work where the final product that I was going to have was going to focus more on the process and steps that I had to go through to complete it, even leaving sketch marks or imperfections. The artwork consists of a figure with a blooming heart, with flowers and light shining forth from it. The flowers and light represent how growth comes from the process, and that life springs forth from ashes by the Spirit of God. The painting is created on an old and worn-out wooden door, giving the composition a neat frame.

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“The Betrayal of Luke 22”
Acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 in

The main idea of “The Betrayal of Luke 22” is found in Luke 22:48, where “Jesus asked him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”” Jesus is painted using only white, and Judas in a bright red, to contrast between the purity and innocence of Jesus and the corrupted motivations of Judas’ kiss. The silhouette of 2 soldiers in the background give a foreshadowing of the upcoming tragedy, that is the arresting of Jesus and His coming journey to the cross. This scene marks a significant part of the life of Christ, as it is the first betrayal and hurt that is given to Him, preparing the way for all the pain, rejection, and humiliation to come.

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“Spirit Breakout”
Acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 in

“Spirit Breakout” is a visual representation of the blend between the abstract essence of the divine and the natural reality we know, and what occurs when both come in contact. Based on Isaiah 44:3, which is also written in Hebrew in the background, this artwork shows the stream of life and fullness flowing from the heart of God, refreshing and renewing the people that await Him, as they dance in joy and freedom.

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“The End of Romans 6”
Acrylic on fabric
39 x 60 in

The last verse of Romans 6, verse 23, states that “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Jesus’ gift, the one that He carries in this artwork, is eternal life, given freely to those who desire to receive it. This painting was created on a stained felt textile, painted with white and black acrylic paint.

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“Divine Defense”
Acrylic on wood
11 x 18 in

“Divine Defense” depicts how those who are born of God are protected by His presence, and the evil one has no ability to touch them. Even when the figure is standing right before the presence of the Devil, he is not afraid. On the contrary, he rejoices, because he knows what we ought to know as well, which is that we are protected by the Glory of God, the beaming white light of His power. The enemy knows this, and is furious at the fact that he cannot harm those who the Lord protects. The artwork takes inspiration from the American animation studio UPA’s style in it’s use of minimal colors and the absence of any background elements that could signify depth.

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“The Spirit”
Acrylic on poster board
22 x 28 in

“The Spirit” depicts a figure that is being filled with the Holy Spirit, which is ascending from above into his heart. The technique used is heavily inspired by the Marvel Comics of the 80s, seen in the use of hatching lines, beams, and cross-hatching to shade the composition. This work was drawn using black paint and black markers on poster paper.

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